About Us


our mission...

is to provide the very highest level of pediatric orthopedic care possible! We offer personalized care in a caring atmosphere.

What is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon? 

Pediatric orthopedic surgeons are board certified orthopedic surgeons with very specialized training and experience in the care of all orthopedic injuries and conditions that occur in children. Children are not little adults! Virtually all pediatric orthopedic surgeons subspecialists are members of the Pediatric Orthopedic Society of North America (POSNA)

To locate a pediatric orthopedic surgeon in your area, check under “Find a Member” at http://www.posna.org.

Children’s Orthopedic Specialists was established in 1998 as the first full-time practice dedicated to Children’s Orthopedics and scoliosis in Southern Arizona.

Our areas of special focus are fractures (broken bones) in the growing child, scoliosis and other back problems, issues with growth and development in the shoulder, arms, elbow, hands, hips, knees, feet, and concerns about function in these areas as well as other muscular and bone treatments for children ages 0-18. ( We will continue to treat our established patients through college age)

Our doctors are members of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America.  Dr. Vincent and Dr. Henderson and their staff are dedicated to directing the best care for your child.  We work in conjunction with the Pediatricians, Family Doctors, Emergency Rooms, and other Pediatric Medical and Surgical Specialists in Southern Arizona.

The scope of our practice ranges from office consultations to complex surgical care.  Whenever possible, less invasive procedures and techniques are chosen.  As an example, Dr. Vincent was the first doctor in Arizona committed to the Ponseti method, a minimally invasive technique of clubfoot treatment.

We look forward to meeting you and your children.