Helpful Information


physical therapist locations

Here is a full list of physical therapy locations , please find the best location for you that is contracted with your insurance.

cast instructions

If your child has a cast and you have questions, please refer to our cast instructions.

Additional Information

Below are some links to help provide more information for any questions you may have.

The links provided with each of the sections go directly to more detailed information provided by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons 

Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America:  

The American Academy of Pediatrics :

Web MD:

Clubfoot resources

A-Z Injury Index


Hospitals where our doctors have privileges:

Tucson Medical Center
University Medical Center
Diamond Children’s Medical Center

Information on the Affordable Care Act:

Kids Care and Medicaid ( AHCCCS) applications: 

Tucson Community Pediatric Specialists:

Cerebral Palsy Organizations: